Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cutting Maternity Leave Short

Cutting my maternity short was a heart wrenching decision for me.  I found myself in a difficult situation at the start of my maternity leave.  Before going on leave I was in a dead end job (literally the date everyone was getting laid off was announced) where morale was low and the tasks monotonous.  My growth potential there had expired however my loyalty still hadn't waivered.  Little did I know a job offer would come my way before my husband's paternity leave even expired.  There was a bit of a catch, I couldn't wait the 12 weeks I had set aside for maternity leave, I was going to have to return to work when my youngest was only 8 weeks old.

I struggled with the decision to go back for days on end.  For the purpose of this post I will comment only on those pertaining to my family and not about leaving a job that I loved. I would be lying if I said I did not consider becoming a stay at home mom.  Financially my family would be fine, we would have to make some changes to our life style but we would be ok.  I thought longingly about spending all day with my boys.  The places we'ed go, the things we would do but then I also realized staying at home wouldn't be the same as maternity leave it would be life and not a vacation.  I wouldn't have people coming over all the time to see the new baby ect.  My days (and finanaces) would not be as carefree as they were on maternity leave.

GUILT was the #1 feeling that I struggled with.  As the oldest of 3, I have always been taught that everything between siblings should be equal.  I stayed home with my first for 12 weeks it wasn't equal if I only stayed home with my second for 8 weeks.  Did that mean I loved my first more? I had retained all of my vacation time to prepare for my maternity leave.  I struggled with feeling like I shouldn't have saved that time instead of spending it with my family. 

I felt torn.  With my first son, I loved every minute of being a mom but at the same time I craved adult interaction and the challenge that work provided.  On the other hand, after my second I loved being home every minute.  The hours of circular conversation with my toddler about the sounds a cow makes or which ball we should throw were pure bliss.  The silent moments feeding and cuddling my second felt like I was on vacation.  At no point did I yearn for that adult interaction or challenge.  Again I felt guilt for feeling differently after my second than my first.

Eventually, I came to the decision to take the new job opportunity and cut my maternity leave short. Why for all the reasons that I chose to be a working mom in the first place (See my previous post Why Go Back to Work????).  I realized all my hesitations came back to one thing I FELT GUILTY.  It wasn't until I read a quote written to a first child that I was able to analyze my feelings.
                      "You see I want to get it all RIGHT because I've messed up so 
                        much in the past with you.  I feel like I owe it to you.  You gave
                        me the greatest gift possible.  You made me a mom.  In the 
                        most intense way possible, YOU are my baby."
Things between my children were never going to be the same.  My first will always be my first and my second my second.  My first son made me a mom and I will never be able to thank him for that but my second has made me a better mom and a different mom.  My second isn't going to grow up harboring resentment that mommy went back to work early, the same way my oldest doesn't remember all the mess ups that we had.  They love me for being their mommy just that plain and simple.

I also realized that it wasn't that I wanted to stay home with just my youngest, I wanted to be with both of my boys.  I resolved to make our nights and weekends about family time.  I'm one of the lucky ones to have a family member babysit while I am at work.  I made my working hours such that I am home for more of my children's waking hours than they are awake with their Mimi watching them.  

I have come to terms with my decision and looking back I wouldn't have made a different decision.  While I miss my boys when I'm at work; nothing compares with the big smiles, hugs and kisses I get when I get home.

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