Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Making "Mommy Friends"

As a young professional, my social circle is kind of evolving daily.  After having my son I found myself if a very unique place.  NONE of my high school and college friends were even married (most not even dating) and kids were the last thing on their mind.  Our siblings do not have any kids either.  We had two couple friends that had babies as well and I had one co-worker friend who had just gotten pregnant so my pool of “mommy friends” was pretty light.   I made the choice for my kids to be cared for at home, so there were no parents to meet from the day care class.  Where was I going to meet “mommy friends”?

The truth is I still don’t know.  My oldest son is 21 months old and I still have the same number of mommy friends.  As a working mother I find it hard to make mommy friends.  I have spent countless hours looking into activities that I could do with my kids and other parents.  Most mommy and me activities I have found occur late morning on weekdays which essentially cuts out the whole working parent population.  I did enroll my oldest in swimming lessons, it was a mommy and me type course.  I would chat with the other parents while we were waiting for the class to start.  Most were SAH moms and the majority of their play dates occur during the day Monday through Friday.  Another social circle that I was unable to break into. L

My other concern with my lack of “mommy friends” was socialization for my son (my youngest is too young to need socialization).  Thankfully, this has resolved itself slightly with a combination of my neighbor and “grandmommy friends.”  My next door neighbor babysits her grandson who is slightly older than my oldest and the two have quickly become great friends and the close proximity makes it possible for them to play together almost every day. 

My question remains how do I make “mommy friends” or do I continue to keep my life very separate.  To be fair I must say that I have a collection of friends that are more than happy to have my little guys in tow when we hang out.  Hopefully some of my non-mommy friends become “mommy friends” themselves until then I guess the hunt continues. 

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