Tuesday, February 9, 2016

More Working Parents = More Quality Time with Children

But what does the modern family look like?

I recently read an article about a “modern parenting crisis.”  The article describes the author’s childhood and the “benign neglect” he experienced.  His afternoons spent blissfully entertaining himself while his parents spent their time engaged in their own interests and experiences.  The article then highlights a surprising fact; mothers who spend more time working spend MORE time with their children than did our stay at home parents.  Additionally, as a whole, contemporary fathers spend more time with their children than did previous generations.  The article’s author then spends the remainder of the article arguing for how parents should be more involved in self-care and teach their children to be more self-sufficient. 

With that being said, the idea of working parents spending more one on one or more focused time with their children stuck with me.  I’ve spent many hours now thinking on this, maybe for my own comfort or maybe because I am delusional; I am finding some merit in the argument.  As a working mother, I feel as if the time in which I am not at work belongs to my children, for better or for worse (better in my opinion but my eternal need for a manicure may speak against that).  Chores, shopping ect are reserved for when my children are sleeping.  I will run an errand or two during the week on my lunch break, half of the contents of my house come from Amazon but when I am home my focus is on my children.

I am not arguing that stay at home parents do not show their children love or affection.  Nor am I arguing they are lesser parents at all however I feel as though when you have the entire cake you don’t savor every bite the same as you do when you only have a slice.  I’m as guilty as the next person of spending too much time on social media and recently I have noticed a trend.  My stay at home mommy friends are some of the most frequent posters on my feeds however a lot of what they post is not centered on their children.  They are not checking in at the local play area but rather at Starbucks.  They comment on how this is the 4th time they were at Target this week or how they left the kids with daddy and spent an hour sitting in the car before actually going into the grocery store to do their shopping.  I agree working parents get out and get to socialize at work and stay at home parents do not but I wonder if their days are actually filled with the same level of focused time with their children we working parents envision and envy.

I do wonder, however, if this overall trend of focusing primarily on our children is also contributing to the mounting rate of divorce.  Is my habit of pushing all of the household responsibilities off until the children are asleep hurting my marriage? Would it be better for my children to lose 15 minutes with me and spend that time later focusing on my husband?

I think there has to be a compromise somewhere along the way. Maybe 1 night a week we leave the dirty dishes in the sink and spend that time together?  Maybe the entire family has a cleaning party (my toddler loves getting his spray bottle of water and cleaning like mommy) on Saturday morning?  Maybe the key is making activities that are not traditionally “family activities” into family activities.

I plan on still spending every moment that I can with my children.  I feel like I keep blinking and they are brand new kids.  I do however plan on letting go a little bit (I’m so stereo typically type A it’s going to be a challenge) and embrace the fact that I’m making memories with my husband the same way I am with my children when I’m leaving those dirty dishes in the sink.  One day I will be really sad when I don’t have to walk through a mind field of toys but the one person who will still be by my side is my husband so right now he’s important too.

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