Friday, January 15, 2016

Personal Space and Pregnancy

I must be way behind the eight ball on this one but this news story on touching pregnant woman’s bellies came up on my facebook newsfeed today.  (  I’m amazed that I missed this running in 2013 because the story coincides with my first pregnancy and the experience I was having myself.

In brief, the story discusses how one PA woman filed harassment charges after a random man touched her pregnant belly in the grocery story.  It appeared that the public had mixed emotions on the subject and the man being charged said he thought that was a social norm.  When has touching become a social norm?  While I appreciate the miracle of being pregnant and birth, I do not feel it is an invitation to throw respect for people’s personal space out the window.  I question why it is appropriate to touch a pregnant person’s belly but not some super toned person with 6-pack abs?  
They both have interesting mid sections.  Because mine is hosting another person it’s just free game to touch my belly.  However this does make me wonder if there should be something on the books to deal with this subject directly.  In PA a harassment conviction carries a fine up to $300 and/or up to 90 days in jail.  I do think 90 days in jail is a bit excessive but please respect my person space even if I am taking up more of it.  There are laws on the books for cyber bullying (its literally the offense right below harassment in the PA legislature. 

Following the same theme, why do people think it’s acceptable to touch my baby?  Why when I’m in the grocery store do people think its acceptable to reach into my cart and touch my baby in the baby carrier covered in a blanket.  Don’t they realize they are a big ball or germs?  Or simply my CHILD is a person and not a toy?  Are you going to pay for their health insurance, diapers, formula, clothes ect.  If not don’t touch without permission.

With that being said, many of my friends weren’t the biggest fan of my no touching policies.  Even my husband had to ask permission.  So I wonder  do other people share my sentiments or am I in the minority in thinking personal space should apply to pregnant woman as well

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